Monday, May 19, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

Miscellaneous Rant

I have insomnia again. I woke up this morning at around 1:45 and couldn't go back to sleep until I'm guessing around 5:00ish which is annoying because that's the time people on my compound start preparing for their morning tasks. I'm wondering if it's the Mefloquin that's causing this insomnia...I really don't know. Normally I would use my cellphone to get on the internet but...Celtel, the worst cellphone service provider ever, isn't working! They give a new meaning to bad customer service. First off, their towers went down for a day and a half! The majority of the country uses Celtel so we were all without any type of service for a full day. I can't imagine this happening in America and people not going insane. Anyway, so finally their cell towers are working again, but internet will not work. I've called for 2 days and they said it should be fixed, but now I can't even get through to customer care from my phone. Can you imagine not being able to contact a company about customer service???? Normally I would just go to the nearest Celtel location (which is what they advise on the recording), but it is 60km away and I can't get there right now. That's around a 2 hour bus ride. I apologize for this rant. I just want to make it known that CELTEL = WORST CELLPHONE SERVICE PROVIDER EVER!!!!

In other Peace Corps related news...the 3 musketeers is now down to 1. Eric Hastie and Ryan Hill both went home. During training we would ride our bikes through Chishiko village, complaining all the way (well, just Ryan and Me because Eric was the Lance Armstrong of the group...without HGH of course). They just up and left me. In their defense, they didn't have adequate housing, and were constantly harassed for money, and I guess this was too much for them to handle. I will definitely miss them.

I want to thank those people who email me on a daily basis...I know you're at work and extremely busy, but taking time to email me makes me feel great!!! So, thanks to Melanie, Candice, Sam, Chris and Nancy...and especially my Mom who actually got an email address just so she can keep in touch with me! I love you all.


P.S. To those who I have emailed constantly with no response...thanks!!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

A Peace Corps Volunteer At Last!!!!

We finally swore in as Peace Corps Volunteers on April 25Th. It was a beautiful ceremony with most people wearing chitenge outfits which was really cool. Everyone got into the spirit of things. After swearing in the people going to Southern Province went to Victoria Falls!!! It was absolutely amazing! It just lets me know how awesome God is. There was a rainbow there at the falls, that I'm sure is there whenever the water is full like it is now. The water pours in from everywhere and I was overwhelmed by that amount of water. I could barely breathe and while walking across the bridge I fell and hit my head. It was pretty scary. I think my pride was hurt most of all!!! Besides having a sore neck for a few days, it was great. I'm fine now.

I got posted to my site in Chikoli (Kalomo district) on April 30Th and I'm happy to say that I don't have an ant problem...knock on wood!!! But, my place is an absolute mess. I mean it is horrible. I need a book shelf and a place for my clothes. Jalle (the volunteer I replaced) left a ton of books related to the RED program and then Peace Corps gave us a ton more. I have so many books with just information and no place to put them for now. Other than that, I'm loving it.

At this time I'm in the "Community Entry" period where I'm supposed to be getting adjusted to my village, my new home, and the language...and just doing basic community needs assessment. Now that I'm in the village, I realize that I know NOTHING of Tonga. It's as if 140 hours of language training went out of the window. Don't get me wrong, I can greet with the best of them, but that's where my conversation ends. It usually goes something like this:

Stranger: Mwabuka buti?
Me: Kabotu. Mwabuka buti?
Stranger: Kabotu...(insert long phrase in Tonga that I don't understand)

Stranger: Mwalibizya buti?
Me: Kabotu. Mwalibizya buti?
Stranger: Kabotu...(insert long phrase in Tonga that I don't understand)

Then inevitably they say some long sentence that I don't catch one word of. Then the disappointment comes over their faces. It's pretty bad or should I say...sad! I'm totally lost. Although, the "Community Entry" period lasts for 3 months and I don't have to do anything work related. I just need to focus on getting adjusted to my community and communicating with people. That's awesome. My motivation to learn the language comes from the fact that I got ripped off so many times in the market because I can't speak the local language. I wanna start getting the Zambian price for things, instead of the American price. Believe, there is a big difference in those prices. They all think I'm rich for some reason!!! Me!!!! Some guy came up to me as said, "Mommy, give me money....I want to buy something". As if I just have money to give away. I was perplexed. I guess we as Americans are perceived as being rich. I guess these people don't understand the declining dollar!!! I know it stresses me out to think about. The exchange rate for 1 American dollar is 3390 kwacha...1 British pound is 7000 kwacha, and 1 Euro is 5000 kwacha. Tell me that's not scary!!!!!

Anyway, I'm still enjoying myself and Zambia. I wish you were with me. Oh yeah, I received the best package the other day with the best stuff that you can imagine. All I can say is I am very grateful. It had everything I need. Now I don't have to cook. I just want to take a second to say that I totally underestimated the cooking situation. I thought it would be a breeze, but I'm going to either lose weight or spend all my money buying food in town. I can't cook on a brazier and have to go to a boar hole to get water for the dishes, it's just too much for this city girl to take. I did try it, but I almost cried from outrage. Seriously.

Also, I want to congratulate my cousin Tracy for passing her viva and she will receive her PhD from St. Antony's College at Oxford all at the tender age of 26. I think I speak for the entire family when I say we are definitely proud of you Dr. Carson!!! (I know I will receive a hate email from her because of this)...sorry dear.

I love you all!!!
